Even More About Me


Who Am I

Hello guys, I’m Jayden Forrest, a writer, artist, and most recently a graduate. I started this blog to turn one of my greatest passions in life into something more. 

To me, writing has always been something I need to do, regardless of if anyone is going to end up reading it. So I’ve always jumped on an opportunity where I was lucky enough to share my work.

As fun as graduating during economic collapse has been, I decided I needed a distraction from how scary the world can be, so I created my blog, A Case of the Writes.

With it, I hope to help aspiring authors grow their skills, find their voice, bring their ideas onto the page, and engage with the writing community. I post bi-weekly content with writing tips on all kinds of topics. 

My Work

I am in the process of publishing my first novel Fred the Demon Hunter, a YA comedy- action about the woes of life as a demon-hunter-in-training. I had a laugh riot writing it and my greatest hope is for it to entertain and amuse future readers.

Aside from my current novel I have experience with all types of writing. I’ve participated in writing and poetry competitions, I am a beta reader and critique partner, I’ve written multiple full-length practice novels to strengthen my writing voice, and I’ve begrudgingly written more scientific articles than I can count.

What I Stand For

I love peanut butter and banana sandwiches, sunny reading nooks, the color green, hassling my floppy-eared rabbit and his girlfriend, laughing with my wonderful roommates, and of course escaping into the fantastical world of writing. 

So Why Should You Take Writing Advice from a Random Internet Person? 

Well first off nobody has ever lied on the internet, so you know everything you read is true. 

Secondly, always be subjective. Take my advice with a grain of salt, what works for me won’t work for everyone. The only one who can teach you to write is you. Some advice might be helpful on your journey so take what you need, the rest is up to you. 

However you choose to hone your writing skills is entirely your choice, but whatever you do make sure it’s something you enjoy. 

If you’re ready to get started let’s go!